build an outdoor
performance facility
for the
New Prague area

Our goal is to raise at least $1,000,000 dollars to fund construction of an outdoor performance facility in New Prague.
The intermediate goals are to raise:
$500,000 by the end of 2023 (WE MADE IT!)
$250,000 more by the end of 2024 (WE MADE IT in 2023!)
an additional $250,000 by the end of 2024
Any funds raised above our goal will be used for improvements to the building and site.
A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation – The Forward New Prague Foundation (EIN # 92-1785025) – is handling donations. Use the form on the right to make a donation, or you can mail your donations to the address listed below.
Donors Providing a Gift of $5,000 or More
$100,000 Pledged (Den & Sandy Gardner/Gardner & Gardner Communications)
$75,000 Pledged (Minnwest Bank New Prague)
$75,000 Pledged (Dr. Mike & Kay Wilcox)
$51,000 Pledged (Chart Industries)
$50,000 Pledged (Brusseau Investments/Lisa and Shannon Brusseau)
$35,000 Pledged (Randy/Lisa Kubes)
$30,000 Pledged (Dan & Dara Bishop/Wells Fargo Advisors)
$30,000 Pledged (Luther, McFarland, Kuehner, Sell & Assoc. - Ameriprise Financial services, LLC)
$25,000 Pledged (New Prague Chamber)
$25,000 Pledged (New Prague Fire Relief Association)
$25,000 Pledged (Brad & Kytyn Schoenbauer)
$25,000 Pledged (Dr. Jon & Kate Colling)
$24,500 Pledged (Palmer & Susan Welcome/Welcome Auto)
$22,500 Pledged (Scott Equipment Co.)
$16,989 Mollie B Dance and Silent Auction
$15,000 Pledged (Bevcomm)
$15,000 Pledged (Dr. Steve Kivi)
$12,000 Pledged (New Prague Rotary)
$11,000 Raised by POPS Gala II
$10,000 Pledged (Jerry & Mary Walerius)
$10,000 Pledged (Pat & Margaret Sullivan)
$9,685 Grant from Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
$7,500 Pledged (Tupy Insurance)
$7,500 Pledged (Donnie Simon Family)
$6,486 (2023 Silent Auction Revenue)
$6,000 Pledged (Anonymous)
$6,454 Dividends/Interest as of 11/30/24
$5,500 Pledged (Michael Traxler Wealth Management, LLC/Mike & Colleen Traxler)
$5,125 Pledged (Bruce & Becky Wolf)
$5,000 Pledged (Phil/Karen Kallal)
$5,000 Pledged (New Prague Park Board)
$5,000 Pledged (Tom & Megan Vanasek)
$5,000 Pledged (Choate and Company/McDonald’s/New Prague)
$5,000 Pledged (State Farm Insurance/Molly McGillen)
$5,000 Pledged (Matt and Maggie Goldade)
$5,000 Pledged (Mayo Foundation)
$5,000 Pledged (Shannon Allen Design)
$5,000 Pledged (Graystone Construction)
$5,000 Pledged (Jeff Belzer Chevrolet New Prague)
$5,000 Pledged (Larry/Carol Pint)
$5,000 Pledged (Anonymous)
$78,747 Pledged (100 for 100K donors/other donations)
NP Times & KCHK Radio - Media packages
Eric Bever - pro bono legal work
Matt Goldade/CLA pro bono accounting
There are 40+ additional individuals/businesses that have contributed between $25 and $4,999.
Or scan the QR code below to make a donation

100 for $100K
Be one of “100 for $100K”
pledge $1,000 between now and the end of 2025.
If you want to contribute by check to the 100 for 100K promotion for POPS, make check payable to:
Forward New Prague Foundation.
Please send check to:
Den Gardner, Chair
Forward New Prague Foundation
305 Columbus Ave. South
New Prague, MN 56071
The POPS committee is selling t-Shirts to promote and raise funds for POPS!
Arts and activities enthusiasts: For just $25 (plus $7 shipping and handling if you want it sent to you) you can help support the POPS Committee and its efforts to build an outdoor performance venue by purchasing a POPS t-shirt. Wear it with pride as we promote efforts for this community, privately-financed outdoor stage.
Use the form on the left below to order a t-shirt that gets shipped to you.
Use the form on the right below to order a t-shirt that you will pick up from Den.
Contact Den Gardner, chair of the POPS Committee, for more information or arrange to pickup your t-shirt. E-mail Den at: dengardner@gandgcomm.com; or phone him at 612-325-3981.