Gala Flyer

Little Chicago poses as a group

Palmer Welcome and the 2020 Equinox to be given away in the raffle.

Gala Flyer

“It’s Time” - the FREE POPS GALA
October 28, 2023 – 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the PARK BALLROOM was a big success!.
The Praha Outdoor Performance Stage (POPS) Committee celebrated year one of our efforts to build an outdoor performance venue in New Prague.
This free event included:
Live music by Little Chicago (4:45 to 5:45)
and the Eddie Shimota Band (6:15 - 7:15)
We raised over $5,000 at the silent auction where lots of items were up for bid.
Thank you to all that donated items and to everyone that bid on those items.
Anniversary cake and a toast was held at about 7:30 pm
The highlight of the evening was the raffle of this $20,00 car at about 7:30.
Lots of tickets were sold (thank you Rotary members for handling ticket sales) prior to and at the event.
The winner of the car raffle was Mark Slavik.
Special thanks to Palmer and Sue Welcome of Welcome Auto for donating the car that was raffled off.